Data collected from precision ag has immense value for making the correct management decisions.
But how do you make sense of it all? How do you use it to make more informed decisions for your operations?
Our NuYield services make it easy.

Progressive Solutions
Our most complete data management and analysis package. One-on-one and group meetings will guide you through the process, helping you to understand the recommendations and make informed decisions for future growing seasons. As a Progessive Solutions member, you'll be a part of a small, attentive group of growers. Sharing ideas and learning from others within the group will help you to be the best grower you can be. You can't get this type of industry knowledge by going to any farm show. Progressive Solutions includes:
• Mapping of all As-Applied data
• Mapping of all Harvest data
• Full analysis of all GPS data
• Group data
• Training acres and trial information
• Monitor setup
• Online data storage
• Informational meetings
• Online access to all data and maps
Mapping Solutions
Our basic mapping solutions can provide you with all the basic sets of information you need to make informed decisions. This also is a good set of information to provide to landlords. Mapping Solutions includes:
• Mapping of all As-Applied data
• Basic monitor setup
• Analysis of harvest data to variety

Variable Rate Seeding
Take full advantage of your hydralic drive or the new V-Drives on your planter. We'll sit down with you for a one-on-one, field-by-field consultation. If you have the data, we'll write a prescript based on more than just your soil type. Our variable rate seeding services include:
• Consultation
• Monitor setup
• Maps of recommendations
Tiling Solutions
Have a tile plow and need a map? Want to tile your own field, but first want to know exactly how many feet of tile you can budget? Want to show your landlord your tiling plan and budget? Then this option is for you. Tiling Solutions includes:
• Tile mapping
• Tile design assistance
• Tile installation cost reports

Profit / Loss Analysis
Using your expense and income information for a field, we'll generate maps that can show you exactly where you earned the most money. Using this information, we can also pinpoint the crop price that is needed in order for you to break-even. Compare areas of varying soil types with the amount of inputs in cost per acre. Don’t guess on how many applications you’ll do this year. Use this option as a tool to decide to varible rate or even skip an application.
• Identification of most profitable areas within a field
• Expense map & yield map
• Financial tracking report
• Profit/loss comparison of one trial
Individual Maps
Need one field of harvest yield data? Want to know exactly what hybrid was planted where? See how much manure was spread? Then this option may suit your needs. We can provide you with a variety of individual maps such as:
• Harvest maps
• Planting maps
• 20/20 maps

Soil Nutrient Sampling
Is your most recent soil sample 4 yrs old? Or you obtained a new farm over the winter? Or maybe just want a second opinion from last year's soil tests? We personally sample your field and send it to a professional facitlity with accreditations. Our truly independent advice has only your best interests in mind. We combine the data with your historical experience to ensure the recommendations are exactly what you need.
• 2.5 acre grids
• 5 acre grids
• Includes first year recommendations
• Additional recommendations available